Happy Mother’s Day!!
Being a mother has been the biggest & most amazing accomplishment in my life! I am so thankful to have Sophia, these past 5 years of her being here have been beyond exciting and at sometimes a little stressful but regardless they have been totally worth the 18 hours of labor! eeeeekkk!
I never wanted kids but Sophia is the greatest gift I could’ve ever received, she has taught me so many things that I was unaware of before I had her. She is such a fearless, carefree, beautiful & smart little girl.
As I’m sitting here writing this, Sophia is right by my side reading (or trying to read) every single word of this post. To Sophia, I’m her mother, but I’m also one of the most amazing people in her life. She literally tells me I’m the “coolest mom ever”. Sophia tells me how much she loves me DAILY and gives me the best snuggles at night! She has changed my world forever but I literally don’t know what I would do without her! I am so thankful to be her mom!
I love you Sophie!
To all the moms, future moms & fur mama’s out there, I hope you have a great day!